Billy Barrow

I am not a marketer, I am a software engineer. I have professional experience in developing .NET Framework APIs alongside VueJS and Angular frontends.

When I'm not working I put time into my hobby software (and occasionally hardware) projects. These projects have given me experience with GNU/Linux, Python, and Vala. When I want to get away from the computer you can find me outdoors on a sunny day or, transmitting on the air as ZL3FLY.


🌟 Personal Project

LibPeer is a project to create a reusable library and set of protocols to assist in the development of peer-to-peer applications. The first verson of the protocols suffered from overly complex design. A prototype LibPeer2 was made in python which simplified the system in the hope of reducing bugs and increasing maintainability. After running into performance problems with Python's GIL I made the decision to rewrite LibPeer for the third time using Vala.


💼 Developed at Digital Stock

CHECKIN-19 is a non-invasive and action driven solution to coronavirus contact tracing at workplaces and essential services. It has been built with the requirements of New Zealand's COVID-19 restrictions in mind.

Bachelor of Information Technology

Graduated from the Southern Institute of Technology in 2019.

Portable Publications

🌟 Personal Project

When the desire to start vomiting my opinions onto the internet hit me, I needed a blogging platform I didn't hate. With goals to be agnostic of platform and easily be able to migrate my writings to any future decentralised system I might dream up, I made the PPUB format for packaging up markdown files with assets and metadata.


🌟 Personal Project

A combination of my interest in image signal processing and my father wanting to move his photo editing to a FLOSS stack. PhotoFiddle aims to provide the finishing touches to bitmap images after raw processing has taken place using programs like RawTherapee or Darktable.


🌟 Personal Project

A package manager filesystem fusion that will one day be the basis of my linux distro featuring decentralised package distribution. Packages are attached to a virtual filesystem instead of unpacked and installed to disk leaving the original packages in tact for sharing over the network at no cost to disk usage.


💼 Developed at Digital Stock

FarmTime is a product partially owned by Digital Stock providing timesheeting services to farms and their staff.